All hope is lost, and it is no longer true that I will live in peace and harmony with my God
It is almost beyond imagining, but perfect days of walking with him in paradise are over
And now I am destined for days of separation and longing for my true home
My sin is beyond God\\\'s grace to forgive
I have come to realize that it is foolish To believe That God could accept me After All that I had done
How can it be to think that all my prayers went unheard
How foolish it Was to believe that he loves me
There is nothing left to do, but declare that I am lost without hope and future, and I can no longer believe that I will be restored
When sin came into the world, it brought death, but Jesus Christ, the Son of God, died in our place and it brought life
He Rose again and everything turned upside down
I Will be restored and I can no longer believe that I am lost without hope and future
There is nothing left to do but declare that he loves me
How foolish it was to believe that all my prayers went unheard
How can it be to think that God could accept me after all that I had done
I have come to realize that it is foolish to believe that my sin is beyond God\\\'s grace To forgive
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2:51 min


This powerful video demonstrates how Jesus’ resurrection turns everything upside-down; bringing hope from despair and life from death. Because of Jesus, we can be restored.

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