Resolution 4k, HD & SD
1:54 min
This captivating video walks through the powerful meaning of the celebration and declaration we see in baptism. Baptism is a physical demonstration of a spiritual reality. Dead to sin and alive to God. Death. Resurrection. New life. This... is baptism.
This upbeat video displays the words of Romans 10:11-14 reminding your congregation of the urgency of going to the ones who have not yet been saved by calling on the Lord... "How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard?" Whether on your street or in a foreign place, to His glory, let's be the hands and feet of Jesus.
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This encouraging video walks through Matthew 28:16-20, displaying Jesus' words and instruction in the Great Commission as he assures us he will be with us to the end of the age!
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This guided prayer video will lead your congregation to pray for people all over the world, as we remember God’s heart to raise up worshipers from every tribe, tongue and nation.
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This live spoken word video is a powerful reminder of why Christians are “GO” people. Matthew 28 commands us to “GO and make disciples of all nations” and Mark 16 says to “GO into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.” You can be comfortable or courageous, but you can’t be both. It won’t always be easy, but it will always be worth it.
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This Easter, celebrate the eternal life Jesus Christ of Nazareth has offered us with this powerful video that depicts the important truth that, even as we reach for eternity, death has not won. And in fact, Jesus walked out of his grave and conquered death so that God could gift us with life... eternal life. Will you reach up to him? Will you receive this gift?
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Together with your congregation, reflect on the joyous arrival of Jesus to Jerusalem, His triumphal entry! Celebrate the fulfillment of the prophecies of the coming King, who was and is our coming King. As you look ahead to the road to the cross, don't forget to join the praises of the people of Jerusalem shouting "Hosanna!" and "Blessed be the King of Israel!"
See more →Elevate your ministry with free inspiring films from the Rype Essentials collection.
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This powerful video recites and explains some of the names of Jesus, the name above all names. Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace, Man of Sorrows, Lamb of God, Lion of Judah. He is worthy of our worship and worthy of his name.
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This Sunday film is a powerful reading of a famous passage of Scripture: Psalm 23. It is a beautiful reminder that God is always with us.
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This meaningful prayer was originally ascribed to Saint Patrick. All video footage is from Ireland. This prayer asks for God to protect us, instruct us, and direct us. Christ is our shield, our strength, and our wisdom. Amen.
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This upbeat service opener will welcome guests and remind your church that each day means new opportunities, new blessings, and new mercies every morning. In a time where there is so much new, Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.
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