Jesus is the seed of the woman, the seed of Abraham, the root of Jesse and the rock of ages He's the ancient of days, the commander of God's army and the radiance of God's glory He is the holy one and the heir of all things
He's the bread of life, the author of life, the perfecter of faith, and the overseer of souls
He's the horn of salvation, the desire of nations, and the son of righteousness He's the consolation of Israel, the lion of Judah, and the man of sorrows He's the gift of God, the Lamb of God, the wisdom of God, the power of God, the image of God and the angel of Godand he is the son of God, the Son of man, the Son of David, the son of Joseph, and the Son of Mary He's the king of the Jews, the king of kings, Lord of Lords The Lord of the Sabbath and Lord of glory He's the morning star The last Adam, the living stone and the true witness He's the atoning sacrifice, the good shepherd, the great high priest, the chief cornerstone and the righteous servant He is the highest, He is the almighty, he is the firstborn, the advocate, the head, and he is the resurrection
He's the temple, the sanctuary, the branch, the vine, the way, the truth, the life, the gate, the rock, the light, the prophet, the apostle, the Nazarene, the carpenter, the comforter, and the fountain He's the alpha and the omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end He is the amen He's the faithful and true He's the wonderful counselor, the mighty God, everlasting Father, and the prince of peace
Messiah, word, rabbi, teacher, master, redeemer, deliverer, mediator, creator, and judge
Emmanuel, Yahweh, Lord, God, savior, Christ Jesus
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2:30 min


This captivating video displays the many names of Jesus, found throughout scripture, and the endless roles he fulfills for us... The rock of ages, the ancient of days, the holy one, the heir of all things, the lion of Judah, the man of sorrows, the good shepherd, the resurrection, among many others. He is all sufficient in all things.

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