Resolution 4k, HD & SD
1:50 min
This meaningful video starts with the beautiful example of love of Jesus washing his disciples' feet, followed by his command in John 13:34... "Love one another as I have loved you." Galatians 6:2, Hebrews 10:24, Romans 12:16, and other scriptures are then displayed as examples of what it ought to look like when we love one another, since "we are members of one another, in the body of Christ." (Romans 12:5)
When somebody hurts you…what do you do? This powerful video considers the cost of forgiveness and the power of Jesus that makes it possible for us to forgive.
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This peaceful video displays Jesus' words from John 15:1-5 starting with "I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener." Continuing with his vine analogy, he instructs his people to "Remain in me, and I in you. Just as a branch is unable to produce fruit by itself unless it remains on the vine, neither can you unless you remain in me." Together as a congregation, be encouraged to remain in Him, the one true vine, our source of life.
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This scripture-based video draws on the Gospel of John to communicate Jesus' powerful and life-saving roles as the Word of God, Lamb of God, and Son of God.
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This moving, poetic video reminds viewers of the immensity and the gentleness of God's love. In every emotion, at any time, in any place, His love is constant and always near... a love so strong ultimately displayed on the cross, when Jesus took our place and poured out God's love onto everyone. It never fails, it shall not cease.... The love of God, our perfect peace.
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Voiced by a young girl with a child's perspective, this meaningful video reminds us what Christmas is really about... Jesus. We can all be so easily distracted by the gifts, sweet treats, and lights. Together this Christmas, let's remember when God sent his Son to be our Savior. Let's remember that Christmas is about Jesus.
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This meaningful video gives thanks to God for the life and all the gifts he has given us, as well as asking Him to give us thankful hearts so that we can continue to receive all his gifts with humility and gratitude through all seasons of life. To our generous God, we give thanks!
See more →Elevate your ministry with free inspiring films from the Rype Essentials collection.
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This powerful video recites and explains some of the names of Jesus, the name above all names. Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace, Man of Sorrows, Lamb of God, Lion of Judah. He is worthy of our worship and worthy of his name.
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This Sunday film is a powerful reading of a famous passage of Scripture: Psalm 23. It is a beautiful reminder that God is always with us.
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This meaningful prayer was originally ascribed to Saint Patrick. All video footage is from Ireland. This prayer asks for God to protect us, instruct us, and direct us. Christ is our shield, our strength, and our wisdom. Amen.
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This upbeat service opener will welcome guests and remind your church that each day means new opportunities, new blessings, and new mercies every morning. In a time where there is so much new, Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.
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