What is a disciple, and is it possible to be a Christian without being one
You might not know it, but you are a disciple
It's just a matter of who you're a disciple of
Each one of us is modeling our lives after someone
So who do you follow
What do you listen to
What vision of the good life is capturing your heart
There's no shortage of roads to destruction, but there is one that leads to eternal life
Jesus is calling you down this path saying, follow me
To be His disciple means to be an apprentice of Jesus, to model your life after Him, to be like him
No matter who you are, where you live, what you do
You can live like Jesus shining his light to your family, to your community, and your workplace
Discipleship is how his kingdom comes
It's how His will is done here as it is in heaven, but it requires a decision
Will you follow him
Will you learn from him
Will you let him guide your life, your whole life to be shaped in his image
Are you trying to be a Christian without being a disciple
The question and the invitation is right in front of you
Are you a disciple
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What is a Disciple?

1:46 min


This powerful video reflects on the meaning of discipleship. Is it possible to be a Christian without being a disciple? This video reminds us of our invitation to follow Christ and dedicate our whole lives to him.

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