This year, we're thankful for life
This year
We're thankful for grace this year in a year where it seems like everything is changing
We're thankful for a God who never changes and a kingdom that can never be shaken
This year, we're thankful for God's mercy to forgive us, for God's word, to guide us and for God's spirit to transform us
This year we'll remember that we're entitled to nothing and therefore thankful for everything
And this year, Thanksgiving won't just be an annual holiday, but a permanent attitude because every day, every hour, every moment is an opportunity to be thankful to God
This year, we are thankful
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1:05 min


This video reminds us that we get to live with a constant heart of gratitude. We have a constant God who can’t be shaken, who gives us everything, when we deserve nothing. Thanksgiving then becomes not just a holiday but a permanent attitude.

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