13 letters, three words, one sentence, and I hope you never forget it
I hope you always remember these 13 letters, these three words, and this one complete sentence
Jesus is better
He's better than any passing dream you might be chasing after he's better than any worldly ambition that may have captured your devotion
He's better than anything that could distract you from doing what you were created to do
He's better than money, cars, clothes, entertainment, achievement, and popularity
He's better than anything this world can offer you
Jesus is better
He's better than any person that has ever walked this earth
He's wiser than Gandhi and smarter than Einstein
He's more eloquent than Shakespeare and more creative than Mozart
He's more powerful than Napoleon and more compassionate than Mother Teresa
There's never been anyone like him nor will there ever be
Not even close
Jesus is better
The Bible says he's better than Adam, better than Abraham, better than Moses, David and Mary
He's better than the angels, better than the demons, better than any prophet priest are saying from beginning to end
This book has one beautiful story and one unified thing
The Bible is cleared
Jesus is better, but there will be times when it's hard to believe times when it doesn't feel like Jesus is better
The world will reject you
Your flesh will fight you, and the devil will lie to you
Storms will come
You're going to face disappointment, deception, betrayal, and rejection
You're going to feel tired, empty, broken-hearted, scared and alone
But don't forget in the darkness what you learned in the light, Jesus is better
He's the king of kings and the Lord of lords
He's the prince of peace and the light of the world
He's the friend of sinners and the enemy of Satan
He's the alpha and the omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end
He is the way and the truth and the life
Jesus is better
And if you really truly believe it, it's going to cost you
You're going to help the poor defend the powerless, swallow your pride and love your enemies
You're going to study the scriptures when you'd rather scroll your phone
You're going to pray when you'd rather sleep
You're going to serve when you'd rather be served, and you're going to speak up when you'd rather be silent
But when it's all said and done, you won't regret it
You'll say It was worth it
Jesus is better
I consider everything a loss compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ Jesus, my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things
I consider them rubbish that I may gain Christ
In other words, Jesus is better
13 letters, three words, One sentence, and no question about it
Jesus Is better
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Jesus is Better

3:07 min


This powerful spoken word video shows that Jesus is better than everything. 13 letters, 3 words, 1 sentence - Jesus is better.

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